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Pet Periodontal Disease.

Pet Periodontal Disease

The best for your pet.

Pet Periodontal Disease.

Pet periodontal disease occurs commonly in adult dogs and cats. However, this condition is completely preventable. Unfortunately, signs of this disease are often not noticeable to owners until severe damage has occurred. St. John's AAH provides dental exams, preventative treatments, and guidance to help pet owners promote dental health for their animals.

Signs and Symptoms of Gum Disease in Dogs and Cats

Gum disease in dogs and cats typically starts with inflammation of one tooth and can progress if not treated. Here are just a few symptoms that may indicate severe gum disease or gingivitis in dogs and cats:

  • Problems picking up or eating food
  • Chewing on one side of the mouth
  • Bleeding or red gums
  • Bad breath
  • Bloody saliva

It can often be difficult for pet owners to notice signs and symptoms of gingivitis in dogs and cats as animals will often not show symptoms until the problem is severe, and even then, they may hide any pain to avoid showing weakness. The best way to ensure you stay on top of these signs and symptoms is by keeping up with routine pet dental exams.

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Stages of Pet Periodontal Disease

There are different levels of severity of gum disease in cats and dogs. This is what these different stages look like:

  • Stage 1 - During this stage, gingivitis in cats and dogs will occur without separation of the gum and tooth. You may start to notice a buildup of tartar on the teeth or gums that are swollen and red.
  • Stage 2 - During stage 2, moderate gingivitis has developed. The gums are swollen and have started to become sensitive. There's a moderate accumulation of plaque on the teeth.
  • Stage 3 - At stage 3, periodontal damage has become serious. The gums are swollen, irritated, and bleeding. Plaque under the gum line has started to cause significant bone loss.
  • Stage 4 - Stage 4 is known as advanced periodontitis. At this point, there is severe inflammation, and the gum tissue has started to recede, exposing the roots of the teeth. At this point, much of the damage is irreversible.

There are different types of treatment recommended at each stage, including advanced pet dental work and even extraction. Your veterinarian will recommend the best course of action based on the dental exam.